Vertigo Steps - I of the Storm

The deafening sound
of the raging tempest
Is music to my ears
and fuel for my soul
The quietness it instils in me
And the harmony of it all
Raise me above the ripples
Of meaningless existences
raise me above…

In the eye of the storm
…All this chaos makes sense
All notes ring true
…Awash with sensations intense
Though the entire world rages
…Barren of mirth and warmth
I give you the unravelling of ages
…For I'm the I of the storm

Sorrow is a part of me
I welcome and embrace it
For while all the world is torn apart
I grow stronger... wiser.
These concrete forests of grey
That surround and suffocate us
Are all crumbling down
'neath the awing power of the storm…

Oceanos de fúria
rasgam o tempo
Almas em lamúria
Carregam nuas o pensamento
(... no centro da tempestade)
Empunho os ventos
Enceno a majestosidade
No turbilhão encontro refúgio
No centro da tempestade
(... no olho da tempestade)